Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Years Resolutions

I don't normally make New Years resolutions. In fact some years ago I made a resolution to never make resolutions again, and thats has been working pretty well for me so far. But this year Joni and I got talking. Joni is always into resolutions and he has convinced me to make some this year too. We decided there are five categories of New Years Resolution, and so I'v tried to set of resolution for each category. They are as follows:

1) Personal Interests
I resolve to go to the Broadway Cinema once every calender month in 2012. I'm ashamed to say that earlier this month I went to the Broadway for the first time, which is shameful because its such a great cinema I can't believe I have never been before. I really enjoyed our James Bond Marathon Challenge of 2011, so I hope this resolution will encourage me to see some more unusual films, and it a fabulous setting. 

2) Personal Well-being
I resolve to loose 15kg. I know this is a very boring resolution, but I'v gotten so fat recent that every day I don't have a heart attack is a bit of a surprise. I plan on losing the first 10kg with a month of eating basically nothing and exercising like mad. When I can't stand this life any more I will take on a more normal, steady dieting regime in order to be a more super-sexy me. 

3) Life Style
I resolve to have a Christmas party in my house next year. This one, I think, is actually a very clever resolution and probably the most important. It covers all the major things I want to achieve in the next year, mainly for Joni and I to have our own place, fit for some sort of Xmas or New Years party. 

4) Relationships
I resolve to not accidentally kill myself in 2012. Joni decided this would be the best thing I could do for our relationship yesterday, after I nearly cracked my head open on the fireplace. 

5) Altruism
I can't think of an altruistic resolution, which says a lot about me. I think four resolutions is enough for one person, I'll face altruism next year. 

So there you have it, my New Years Resolutions. I shall come back to those at the end of the year, to see how I have done. In the mean time, Happy New Year to all, hope this one turns out a bit less shit than the last and we don't all die in a Mayan Apocalypse. 

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