Saturday, 19 January 2013

2 weeks on and the questions remain...

So its been two weeks since I couldn't sleep and frankly my sleeping patterns are not much better. Getting quite good at surviving on Paracetamol and diet coke tho, so its fine. I'v only made one or two more cock-ups at work and only my boss and the sales manager have noticed so far, so alls fine!

In those two weeks some rather dramatic things have happened. Firstly I am writing this post from my parents spare bed. This is because all of mine & Joni's 3 bedroom house has been packed up and moved into their garage. Again. This is the third winter in 4 that we have moved into my parents house, they must be getting sick of us. We decided to vacate our rented house pretty sharpish when we realised there wasn't time to buy a house in the time we had left on the lease. So we are here, saving money again. woo. hoo.

On the positive, our meeting with the bank actually went rather well. In fact I have had about 5 good meeting with banks in the last 2 weeks. Turns out we have reached the point where people want to give us money, which is nice. So its all systems go for buying a house - we just need to find one we like!

Which is of course where it all falls down. The problem with 'a buyers market' is that we can have pretty much whatever we want. There are so many houses on the market we could literately have anything. So what do we want? Something ready-made? A project maybe? A big garden? A conservatory? Something pretty good that just needs a little modernising? Do we want something to live in for a while? Or a quick project and the chance to make a few quid?

Now I am indecisive at the best of times. Throw in a few thousand pounds and I am like a kid in a candy shop, I just want them all. Buying a house involves making some serious choices about what I want for my life for the next 5 years. And I'm not sure I am grown-up enough to make those choices....

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