****WARNING This blog post includes some ramblings about the new HP film.
These may class as spoilers even if you have read the book.
Read at your own risk****
So i don't blog much. This is mostly because I think my life is pretty repetative so i don't know if would be interesting for the rest of the world to write about or not. As it happens i am on full report-writting-avoidence mode right now so i thought i might do a little blogging.
July has been full of people visiting. I won;t bore you with the tales, if you care you know all about it already because you were probably there. Surfice to say Jonis parents came and Jenny (sister) and Ben came for about a week each. Both were great fun, although i do sort of wish they hadn't followed straight on from one another. Particular highlights include Edinburgh Castle with Jonis parents and seeing HP7II with Jenny and Ben.
Speaking of which, i feel a small review is in order. First up want to say i loved it. The Harry Potter books were exactly my generation - I was the same age as Harry each year when i read the books and i have loved them ever since my Granny bought us a box set of the first two when i was 12 years old. My Harry Potter life has spanned reading them in the sunshine after exams, walking to Asda at midnight to buy one the moment it came out (i think it was the 6th) and enjoying every one of the films (even when the acting was a little ropey to start with!)
I completely agreee that when you make a novel into a film things have to change. They are two compleatley different mediums of entertainment and as such you can never just turn a book into a film word for word. Books have way more time to say what they are going to say, but can also rely on a persons imagination, where as films have to fit into a short space of time but are really visual. Saying that, there have been changes over the Harry Potter films a didn't agree with (Hello - what happened to Padfoot, Wormtail, Moony and Prongs??) and there was one in the final film i didn't like. And that was the HP v Voldy fight.
Let me explain...
In a face to face fight (like in the film) Voldamort would have kicked Harrys butt. That (i felt) was the whole point. He was more powerful than Harry, a more experience dualer. Harry had other things on his side - friends, love, cunning, bravery bla bla. I loved the way JK wrote the ending - A packed room, everyone watching, Harry finally gets his chance to talk, to show Voldamort just how badly its about to go, and to give him chance to redeem himself. Than just one spell each, done. Simple yet incredibly powerful, it had the hairs on the back of my neck all tingly. The films version, yes i understand it more visually pleasing, but it just doesn't fit with the characters. (it also doesn't fit with the whole premise of the Elder Wond but thats another story).
But never mind. Over all it was amazing - and i did love the inclusion of the epilogue from the book - there is nothing like a fantastic series all tide up with a neat bow at the end. I hate a series that doesn't end properly. Cliff-hanger endings are all well and good mid series but when you have reached the end have the guts to finish it properly.
And that was a brief update of what I'v been thinking out. Next up a visit to see The Stanleys and Granny up north. Could be the last time a see The Stanleys for a while.