So me and Joni have been thinking of buying a new bed for a while, a nice bed. We both fell in love with in Argos, and seeing this advert decided to go buy it..
This advert very clearly states 15% off all bedroom furniture, but I couldn't get the 15% to come off, so I phoned them up. 4 phone operatives and 2 managers later i discover this is because Argos don't class beds as bedroom furniture! How is that possible? How is that even allowed? I can't remember the last time I was this angry at a company!! I begged, I pleaded, and I yelled blue murder at these people but no one would help me. The last woman i spoke to was so useless. She admitted the advert was misleading. She admitted it was frustrating, But she still refused to help me. ARRGHH!
But now we are facing a terrible dilemma. I still really want that bed. And we would quite like it soon, so we can have a spare when people come to visit us over the summer. But i now hate Argos.
Do we buy the bed?
Friday, 27 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
A new addition to the household
For anyone who isn't harbering the same Facebook addictions as me, I have some big news. On Tuesday Me & Joni got a kitten! Funny story to how it happened really....
We had been talking about getting a cat for a while, but Joni had a few reservations. Rather stupidly for him on Sunday he used the phrase "If you really want a cat you should probably just get one." Well, what else could i do?
I tired cat rescue centres first, but they are such a hassle. They all insist on arranging to come see your house first, and Cats Protection took 6 days to call me back to arrange a visit. And as soon as they hear I live on a high street they practically hang up. So Louise (good friend, we have coffee when we are bored of working) suggested i try Gumtree, a sales website. And so six hours later we were just north of Dundee picking up a Kitten from a lovely, if slightly animal mad, woman with just one kitten left from a litter.
We had been talking about getting a cat for a while, but Joni had a few reservations. Rather stupidly for him on Sunday he used the phrase "If you really want a cat you should probably just get one." Well, what else could i do?
I tired cat rescue centres first, but they are such a hassle. They all insist on arranging to come see your house first, and Cats Protection took 6 days to call me back to arrange a visit. And as soon as they hear I live on a high street they practically hang up. So Louise (good friend, we have coffee when we are bored of working) suggested i try Gumtree, a sales website. And so six hours later we were just north of Dundee picking up a Kitten from a lovely, if slightly animal mad, woman with just one kitten left from a litter.
This is Tay Robbie Angus. We spent 4 days trying to pick a name, but couldn't decide so we went with 3. He is 7 weeks old and the cutest kitten in the world! Pretty much all we have done since we got him is play with him. His favourite game is chew Fiona's fingers, and he like to chase a feather duster. Its all very cliché. He doesn't really like being left on his own yet, so I took a couple of half days from work so i could play "look after" him. Hee Hee. Need to go back to work properly next week before my boss notices my absence.
This wouldn't be a blog post without an update on the garden, and once again the progress is amazing! I think we have finished excavating, there are plants down now! And grass seed, and decking! Im looking forward to next week sitting outside with my parents. Of course this is Scotland, so its going to rain from now until.... well until it snows but never mind. Here are some pictures anyway.
Look, deck! and a wall, and some plants and everything! Its sooo cool. BBQ party here we come!
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Joni's Birthday and some Gardening
Its been a while since i last blogged, its been a busy couple of weeks.
Firstley it was Big Presentation time at work. I have to give a presentation via a web-link to the big Americans who are funding my work. This week was the first one of those. Giving a talk through a screne worked quite well actually, although i was sat down at a desk so i wish i hadn't bothered with the uncomfortable smart trousers!
Also this week has been Jonis birthday. Here he is with his birthday cake:
Poor Joni had to work on his birthday, so he had quite a quiet one. Just a nice lazy breakfast with me, and then cake in the evening. He was off on Friday so we went to Dee Sea World in North Queensferry. It was really good! They have one of those "underwater tunnels" which was so good! We spent ages walking around it looking at sharks and fish and crabs and divers trying to sink a boat (soo funny, they were trying to get this battered old boat to sit on the bottom as a new feature and it kept floating up, who would have thought it could be so hard to sink a boat?). I think the olny slight dampener on the trip was a small school trip, from which the parents had absolutely no control. they let the kids all go to the shop in the middle of the trip and buy loads of sweets, and then they all went stampeding around the tunnel, which was pretty annoying. Stupid parents.
Because we were in North Queensferry we got to see the bridge (thats the Forth Road Bridge btw) really up close. I even got to touch the legs! Its even more impressive when you can see it stretching out above you.
Today we were gardening all day, and once again we have made a huge difference. We were at it for about 7 hours, and we are both now totally knackered, but it was good fun. I think i have jarred my wrist digging up rocks thought, its really sore now. I'v taken lots of photos.
Here is Joni enjoying some lunch, with our quite large fire. It turned into a very very big fire actually, after 6 hours worth of burning, but it did get rid of lots of bits of tree and rotting wood. And ivy. So much ivy.
Here is Joni with the corrugated sheets that took us hours to dig out and move and discover underneath 10 stacks of tiles, gerr! But luckily, as they were quiet neatly stacked, they are perfect for a little decking.
And here it is when we were finished. Such a huge difference - we burnt so much wood, and cleared soo much rubble. Im really looking forward to relaxing in this space now. Next up, to clear up fully and level out the ground ready for the decking!
Firstley it was Big Presentation time at work. I have to give a presentation via a web-link to the big Americans who are funding my work. This week was the first one of those. Giving a talk through a screne worked quite well actually, although i was sat down at a desk so i wish i hadn't bothered with the uncomfortable smart trousers!
Also this week has been Jonis birthday. Here he is with his birthday cake:
Poor Joni had to work on his birthday, so he had quite a quiet one. Just a nice lazy breakfast with me, and then cake in the evening. He was off on Friday so we went to Dee Sea World in North Queensferry. It was really good! They have one of those "underwater tunnels" which was so good! We spent ages walking around it looking at sharks and fish and crabs and divers trying to sink a boat (soo funny, they were trying to get this battered old boat to sit on the bottom as a new feature and it kept floating up, who would have thought it could be so hard to sink a boat?). I think the olny slight dampener on the trip was a small school trip, from which the parents had absolutely no control. they let the kids all go to the shop in the middle of the trip and buy loads of sweets, and then they all went stampeding around the tunnel, which was pretty annoying. Stupid parents.
Because we were in North Queensferry we got to see the bridge (thats the Forth Road Bridge btw) really up close. I even got to touch the legs! Its even more impressive when you can see it stretching out above you.
Today we were gardening all day, and once again we have made a huge difference. We were at it for about 7 hours, and we are both now totally knackered, but it was good fun. I think i have jarred my wrist digging up rocks thought, its really sore now. I'v taken lots of photos.
This is where we started today.
And this was the big pile of wood we wanted to burn today.
Here is Joni and his friend James building our little fire up into a very big fire.
Here is Joni with the corrugated sheets that took us hours to dig out and move and discover underneath 10 stacks of tiles, gerr! But luckily, as they were quiet neatly stacked, they are perfect for a little decking.
And here it is when we were finished. Such a huge difference - we burnt so much wood, and cleared soo much rubble. Im really looking forward to relaxing in this space now. Next up, to clear up fully and level out the ground ready for the decking!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Aren't long weekends for relaxing?
(wrote this one while in the car on the way back last night)
Wow, what an epic weekend! I love trips home. It all starts with an epic night time road trip with Louise and Dean. There is nothing like a 11pm trip to Asda in Wollstanton to bring back memories of uni. Follow this up with a 2am drive around Notts town centre, totally lost because they have changed the one way system so I couldn’t find my sisters office, and you have the beginnings of a truly awesome long weekend.
Friday morning brought “the wedding of the century” which I have to admit, I got quite into. 11am found me and the family (plus Joni) sitting around the TV, eating comerative biscuits from paper plates with the royal couples faces on, drinking just a wee tipple to their health. I thought this was great – smiling happy people, spending all morning pointing out good v bad hats. What more could you need?
Friday night was “the big night out”, which was amazing. Thinking back, I think the best part of this night was I didn’t (quite) need to organise it! Many thanks to Chloe who did my job brilliantly, so well in fact I am never organising anything again – she can do it. A night of drinking, dancing and lots, and lots of laughter. I got to catch up with some old college friends – Tim (who is turning into a Paul Bettany Theoretical Physics Play-er), Fletcher (who has decided to turn into a Stalen-est biology teacher). And yes – I was sober, they weren’t and so will be quite surprised to find out I remember that conversation in full! I have to say I particularly enjoyed a little dance with a ‘slightly inebriated’ Joni, and then having to drag him off the dance floor at 1:30am because we were all going home.
All my wonderful friends who came out to party in style.
Saturday brought the trip to Stoke to catch up on all the gossip from Beth and Sam. Considering I lost my voice half way through Friday night you can imagine how much a trip to Beths helped! A little walk around uni was fun – we went to the library and looked up the exam papers we sat this time last year. I could not answer most of those questions now!! I was very upset to see the KPA was closed, so we had to get pub lunch in Newcastle instead, and then back to Beths (well, its technically Sams place now) for ice cream and yet more gossip. We agreed we couldn’t go Trafford Centre as neither of us have much money, but somehow I still managed to come home with a new skirt and shoes. That girl is just amazing…
Me and Beth smiling in sunny stoke.
Sunday arrived and it was time for more gossip in the form of lunch with sisters and poker night at Tims. Joni won, I can 4th out of 5. Not my finest moment. It was a fantastic night. Rich brought some home brewed Raspberry Mead, which was delicious. He should defiantly go with trying to sell it, it really great.
Joni enjoys the mead while kicking everyone butt at poker.
Friday night was so good I didn’t ‘t want to go home without seeing people again, so just before going home on Monday we went for a pub lunch with a few people (my 3rd in 3 days). Again, fantastic to see everyone, but I have to leave now before I get fat again.
A final pub lunch in the sunshine. Shame we didn't get time to play on the bouncy castle.
All this, and we are going home with money in the bank still. Amazing!!! I love being a two income household.
On the drive back I got an email from my industrial supervisor. 6 month report requested on the 12th May (only month and a half late!) so back to hard work tomorrow. Best get a good night’s sleep first…..
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